Most often in recording lingo a tune-up means getting an instrument or vocal on pitch. However, it can also apply to the space in which a recording takes place. Such is the case right now as Tesco Productions is fine-tuning the main recording room to better match spoken word recording – namely audiobooks.

The custom designed wall panels I made 40 years ago which are a combination of farm technology and fairly standard acoustic materials have served well, but it’s time to be more precise. I and a friend did a lot of change-out this past year with the replacement of some 40 year old ceiling foam panels and installing additional treatment, but there were still a few frequency problem areas that sometimes popped out their tones and so it was time to advance to a new level. After considerable research I arrived at professionally designed panels from GIK Acoustics that focus specifically on the remaining problem areas. Since I also desire to maintain the room as a music recording space I didn’t want to do over-treatment, and these panels should match that task as well. I’ll do an update when they’re all in place.