The first full week of this month my wife and I were blessed to get away on a much-needed time of refreshment and relaxation. We splurged on a cruise to Alaska. Departing from Seattle on the biggest ship we have ever seen up close – let alone actually be on was quite an adventure. I soon coined three words that pretty much described every aspect of the trip – “over the top”. From the inspirational messages of long-time pastor Chuck Swindoll (a man who is finishing well), the music of a Christian standard in Gospel Music – Sandi Patti, to seeing landscapes never viewed in this part of the world, and being part of a floating city of 3,000 persons was an on-going amazement each day. We also met new folks that became good friends during the journey and hopefully we’ll meet up with some of them again down the road (or on the water). We stayed a couple of extra nights in Seattle upon our disembarking and took in some “must sees” while there.
The adjustment upon returning to Omaha was more of a shock than I anticipated, but we’re pretty much back into our daily lives and responsibilities. I know we’re better for the experience and in some ways forever changed by it.