Here we are at the end of July with the season of summer well on its way. We continue to live in a very confused and unusual world, and yet many things continue as they always have. Flowers still bloom, family and friends still stay connected through whatever means they can, and along with other weekly production work is the ongoing attention we’re giving to The Phantom of the Opera. This original musical being produced by One For All Musical Theater is still slated for next spring and we’re busy at work on more of the elements for that show. Much of the time is being spent creating the sound effects that will be heard during the performance. When I can’t find exactly what is needed in my multiple libraries, I resort to the old-fashioned “foley” method and record my own. So it was that we needed some light chain/beads/metal clanking for the final element in the monumental effect of the opera house chandelier crashing to the floor. So a gathering of various necklaces from my wife’s collection were brought into the studio and clinked, clanked and drug across various surfaces to get those sounds. I had to explain to my wife where the rest of her adornments were for a moment, but they’re all back in place and the recorded sounds are as well. There can even be heard the scraunching and squealing of a dry wall lift recorded about 19 years ago in Cleveland when my friend Jon was building his studio. Much more to be done.