Tom belts out the text with his custom bullhorn.Well, when a recent corporate video voice-over script called for a section of bullhorn audio, not having such an item handy I proceeded to make one. Who says a high fiber cereal box reshaped to the design can’t do the job quite nicely. Add a little pinpointed EQ and you have a very convincing bullhorn. This wasn’t the first time and I know it won’t be the last that we did what was necessary to create a particular sound or effect. A past client (now a voice talent) was reflecting several days ago about some sounds we recorded a number of years ago for one of the projects she was working with. It was the sound of a spike being driven into wood for an Easter musical. Sure, there are dozens of sound effects libraries and we have a fairly good purchased collection which we’ve utilized any number of times. But sometimes the sound needs to be custom or just can’t be readily found if at all, so we’ve recorded sounds by using various “processing methods” or have gone on location to get what was needed. You can learn more about our sound effects recordings and hear several samples in our sound effects gallery. So, be sure you don’t discard all your cereal boxes. You never know when one will come in handy.