Thirty Four years ago, with what tools and skills I had at hand the entrance through which hundreds and hundreds of clients (many to become life-long friends) were to come and go was fashioned and installed. Well, (in contrast to the evolutionary theory of objects improving on their own over time) the old door was well past its prime and in significant need of replacement. A contractor who came in with a recent client saw the situation and mentioned that was his line of work. I said, “you’re hired.” So multiple precise measurements were taken, and a few weeks later the new entrance to our production world was a reality. There’s always the tearing out of the old before the new can be put in place – hum, maybe an often applicable life principle there. Studio wires near the old door jam were protected with no casualties, and the pre-hung door is securely installed and tightly sealed. I hope many more will appreciate coming through that opening and experience their project come to light at Tesco Productions.