Oh, the Friends You Meet

We are now beyond the Missouri Valley event (see prior post). I was able to attend Friday mid-afternoon into the evening. The attendance was low for that window of time, but the enjoyment was high by those performing and listening. I talked with Rayne Magill after the three day event, and she said the attendance was steady and many are looking forward to being there next year Labor Day weekend.

I reconnected with two past clients – one of which I haven’t seen for over 20 years. We pretty much picked up where we left off and it turns out he’ll likely be helping me with another project I’m planning to take on over the winter and next spring. It’s not studio related (although there is a link) and you’ll likely hear more about it later on. It was good to know he was still connected with music and to hear him perform.

The other client came over to me just as I was preparing to leave. He was part of a group that recorded their first CD here in 2010 (This Side of Sunday – “Crazy World”, available on Apple Music and Amazon). He immediately reiterated how much he still enjoys listening to that music, and how accurately we had captured the essence of the group. I told him that after building my new PC with my nephew about two years ago, the first thing I did was to play all the way through that CD. I told him how much I had thoroughly enjoyed hearing it again, and it lent itself to an uplifting and worshipful experience as well. The conversation was a big encouragement to me, and I deeply appreciated him making a special effort to reconnect.

I came away reminded to never underestimate the importance of relationships. Whether it’s family, friends, work, neighborhoods or any other connection, the value far exceeds the direct time spent and creates bridges we can cross down the road when the need and opportunities come our way. We also never know when a relationship may no longer be there – whether through a move, a life change, or even a passing on. Let’s cherish our connections.