Monthly Archives: August 2024

‘Tis the Time for Fall Music Venues

As summer nears its end and cooler temperatures begin to settle in, the time to enjoy autumn’s outdoor music events is here again. One such destination is making its debut this year. Marcia Claesson and Rayne Magill have organized a three day event September 6 – 8 in Missouri Valley, IA. The open-air event will be held in the city park each day from 10am to 12 midnight. That’s a lot of music and a huge labor of love to promote Old Time and Country music while providing many opportunities to enjoy each other’s company. And of course, there’s always jams being sparked and encouraged wherever folks are gathered (and at whatever hour). If camping is your thing, you can do that as well. More information can be found on facebook here.

Rayne has been a client of Tesco Productions for a number of years and recorded multiple CDs. She’s made a request for more copies of Just Rayne and Thank You Lord to have on hand. I plan on making it up one of those days and touch bases with a number of clients/friends (I seem to have this habit of turning clients into friends) and give a High-Five to Marcia and Rayne for spending countless days on this offering. And speaking of “offering”, there’s no admission charge, but you’ll have a chance to support the event through raffle ticket purchases and donations which will be greatly appreciated. Hope to see you there!