Stephen Tefft is no stranger to Tesco Productions. A number of years ago he was part of a duo/trio that recorded here and he is now working on an extended solo project. All of the songs are originals which he has written over the years and was very familiar with. He set a record one day by recording 16 songs on acoustic guitar – and some of them had multiple parts. As I recall this feat was done in about 6 hours. Whew! Since then vocals and additional instruments have been added which include some unusual offerings such as a bass harmonica and bass recorder. I’ve never recorded either of those before in the studio so it was a challenge and fun to experiment with the best way to capture these diverse parts. There’s still a ways to go before settling into the mixing phase, but Stephen is well on his way.
Yearly Archives: 2021
Álvaro Martínez Releases 2nd CD
It’s been a long time in the works, but Álvaro Martínez’ Álabanza Suprema has been completed and is available. Alvaro’s CD Baby account has been approved so his music can soon be found through all the streaming sites that will distribute his music, as well as his disc can be purchased through their channels. Job well done Alvaro and may your music bless many others as you glorify Him who is supreme.
Ha pasado mucho tiempo en el proyecto, pero Álabanza Suprema de Álvaro Martínez está terminada y está disponible.La cuenta de CD Baby de Álvaro ha sido aprobada por lo que su música pronto se podrá encontrar a través de todos los sitios de streaming que distribuirán su música, así como su disco se puede comprar a través de sus canales.Trabajo bien hecho Álvaro y que tu música bendiga a muchos otros mientras glorificas a Aquel que es supremo.
So Nice To See The Smiles
It’s been a very long year-plus of isolation and missing the faces of those around us. I was standing in a check out line this past week and the person behind me commented how nice it was to actually see all of someone’s face. It’s been almost impossible to communicate even a courteous smile or recognition wearing a mask. There were certainly benefits for doing so, but it’s nice to be getting back to “normal”. In this short conversation we commented that the physical, social and spiritual toll COVID-19 has had on virtually everyone was quite high.
Even in the studio we’re enjoying being able to more readily open the doors to a wider variety of work. My mask is still handy for those with extenuating health concerns or persons not comfortable without the use of one, but we’re moving forward. Let’s smile. We have a lot of time to make up for!