Carmelita de la Guardia Performed this past Friday evening in the Sicula Italia Foundation “A Night In Sicily” event at the Villa Aletta in Omaha. The evening’s events were part of an awareness and fund raising effort surrounding the Sister Friendship City relationship established this year between Omaha, NE and Carlentini, Sicily. Many of the Italian immigrants that arrived in Omaha came from Carlentini, and there’s many efforts being made to formalize and strengthen that heritage and relationship.

Carmelita’s piano piece The Sicilian Heart was performed as a video and she also gave live vocal performances accompanied by her 4-piece band. Although wintery weather showed up during the course of the evening it didn’t dampen the showing of support by the attendees. My wife and I were honored to be invited and after using a plastic grocery bag as a makeshift windshield snow scraper (I wasn’t ready for winter yet) we safely made our way home.