Well, we’re at the end of April but it hardly seems like we’re moving into another actual Spring. Maybe the 5-6″ snow mid month didn’t help with that perception or maybe it’s the lingering presence and effect of COVID-19, which can seem like a lingering hunkering down of winter. Whatever it is, the temps are warming and the dandelions seem well aware the days are fertile for lawn decorating (much to my chagrin), so apparently we should move on to hopes for the year before us.

With some pull back on my production schedule, there’s been time to make some assessment and planning for the remainder of the year. A friend has loaned me his digital console since he doesn’t need it right now for church on Sundays, and he encouraged me to check it out. So with some sad adieu, the Tascam console has been pulled out, and in its place is a version of the popular Behringer X32. There’s not another Tascam M-520 quite like this one anywhere on the planet I’m quite confident. I modified it over the years to have far more capacity than it’s original design, and upgraded all the mic preamps (a good home anyone?). Still, having served clients well for around 30 years it has outlived its usefulness for me, and today’s technologies do far more, far better, in a far smaller footprint.

I’m not sure what I’ll eventually arrive at for a final installation, but for now we’re looking into this option. Slowly the familiar tools and views of the studio are changing – I guess another season. Even my faithful vehicle has been replaced which had hauled many a piece of sound gear to a live event or system install (not to mention family vacations and fishing trips). I just hope I don’t wake up one morning and wonder where I’m at with all the new surroundings. It’s time for a new season!