Monthly Archives: October 2019

Stangl Family Recording Progresses

In March of this year the Stangl Family came to Tesco Productions to record their next family CD. In September I provided a fairly in depth runoff of all the renditions, and this past week we were able to get together and work on digging into the song mixes more thoroughly. There has been a series of events and schedules that have extended the time period on this project, but good progress has been made. The 15 songs represent a diverse collection of Gospel lyric songs in an eclectic mix of bluegrass, folk and classical stylings.

The Phantom of the Opera in Full Practice

One For All Musical Theater and Tesco Productions are continuing work on the very expansive original work of The Phantom of the Opera. All the rehearsal songs are now available for each cast member and practice is in full swing. This past couple of weeks we both focused on family events, but again next week we will be back in full swing of additions, enhancements, polishing and other touches . This promises to be a fine presentation in March of 2020.