This past Sunday I was privileged to help a good friend setup and operate sound for his church and a special guest pastor. The local church in the Gretna area brought John MacArthur from California to the LaVista Embassy Suites for an area church service. We set up speakers in the stage area and interfaced with the house system to provide a music worship time and the message from John.
So what is the reason for writing about this? Well, it’s primarily this. Among the other points John MacArthur made that morning, he talked about what it has taken to serve his church faithfully for 50 years and the importance of “finishing well”. I was reminded how easily I can get distracted from what’s really important and drop the baton even when near the goal line. This can be on a particular project or the wider picture of all that composes this temporal life and preparing for the next. Being past the half-way mark in this race I want to take it to heart to stay focused on the finish line, and reach it successfully in every way. Thanks for the opportunity to hear that reminder.