Yearly Archives: 2018

Stephanie Wilcox Records Several Songs

Deanna playing keyboard at Tesco ProductionsLast month and again this month Stephanie Wilcox was in to record one-shy-of-a-dozen gospel songs and hymns. Most of those were accompanied by her longtime friend and former piano teacher, Deanna. Those recordings caused me to reflect on the many times I had accompanied small congregations or summer Bible camp music times, or just sat at home playing – sometimes with my siblings. And speaking of setting at home playing, we also talked about the many times I begged my mom to let me quit practicing piano so I could go outside and play – arrgh! How grateful I have been over the years that she didn’t let me quit, because knowing piano became the solid basis for all my musical endeavors, not the least of which has been 30+ years engineering music at Tesco Productions. Stephanie and Deanna enjoyed their time in the studio, and hopefully many friends and family will treasure the recording over the years.Stephanie Wilcox records at Tesco Productions

“Cinderella” Performance Delightful

Last month I posted that we were planning to attend the classic story of Cinderella as performed by The Greater Omaha Metro Area Homeschool Community and One For All Musical Theater. Well I’m so glad we were able to be there to see the performers, hear the live orchestra and also the results of the studio work spent on the sound effects and some of the performance songs. It was indeed delightful and we certainly hope and pray these folks will be performing in the future. Job very well done!

“Cinderella” Off With Full Effects

In any recounting of the beloved fairy tale Cinderella, one will always hear or imagine the sounds associated with the various encounters Cinderella has throughout her adventure. And so it is only fitting that the next Omaha performance of Cinderella is replete with the same – having been fitted with all kinds of sound effects from splitting cracks of thunder to the transformation of a pumpkin into a chariot and the subsequent ramble down the road behind her mice-turned-horses headed to the castle to meet her prince. Who knew while on a family vacation trip in northern Iowa a number of years back as I was setting in my vehicle (leaving my family at the guest lodging during a pounding thunderstorm), that one day I’d be revisiting those recording archives and pulling out various sounds that landed in this production. I’ve enjoyed collecting (and my family put up with me doing so at least most of the time) a huge variety of effects over the past years – a number of which have made it into a variety of recordings at Tesco Productions. (A sampler of our effects can be heard here
Kim Moore was here again a couple of times recently to finish up the last audio elements needed to equip the performers of The Greater Omaha Metro Area Homeschool Community and One For All Musical Theater as they rehearse their parts. The performances will be held the week of March 5th and conclude with a matinee on the 11th at The Salvation Army KROC Center in south Omaha. It promises to be an enchanting retelling of the classic tale, with emphasis on its underlying story and message as well. Tickets and show times can be found here . Looking forward to attending ourselves!