Once again the summer air was filled this afternoon with the distinct sounds of Southern Gospel as several groups and individuals performed at Council Bluff’s Bayliss Park. The fountain backdrop brought a welcome mist on the also welcome breeze as the local musicians shared the Gospel message in songs and words throughout the afternoon. Our good friends and client Father’s Voice performed an early set and Glory Road closed out the day. For several years Glory Road – a Council Bluff’s based quartet has organized this event as a platform for area singers and an outreach to their community. This year (as well as last) also featured a short set by a Minneapolis based group, in town for a concert later at the Salvation Army auditorium on N. 16th street. Glory Road recently released their 7th CD recorded at Tesco Productions entitled So Far.

Hats off to all the guys & gals who put in a lot of leg work, time and effort to provide this event once again. It could be very tempting on a hot summer day to think it’d be a lot more fun to set in the air conditioning, but who’d want to deprive the little flat bugs (that also filled the air) of their pleasure?!