This week I had the opportunity to record a very unusual group, “The Octogenarians” – a longtime barbershop quartet that wanted to record several songs while everyone was still able. And why would that be? Well as the youngest member stated, “My age brings the average down to 83”. With only one member under 80 and one at 89, they’re still singing those tight harmonies so characteristic of the barbershop style, and they mix in a high dose of humor along the way. I hope I can still get around at that age, let alone carry a tune. Sing on!
Monthly Archives: April 2014
Tesco Productions Provides Audio Engineering for Home Instead Senior Care
This past week Omaha-based Home Instead Senior Care held its annual International Convention at the Centurylink Center in Omaha. I was tapped again to provide the engineering for all events held in the main ballroom. It’s always great to meet the “old crew” (and some of us getting older more than others) that is assembled for this very large event and to watch and hear it all come together. Home Instead Senior Care provides services to individuals who would rather stay at home in their later years than relocate to family member homes or care facilities.
(and everyone’s happy)!
The event went quite well, and thankfully the rental audio console made its debut as a “lighting” console between rehearsals and the convention opening. It’s never a good thing to walk into the room and see an entire section of a digital console lit up like a Christmas display – complete with varied flash patterns. Another console was put in place prior to everything starting, and the rest of the week was on its way.
Glory Road Making It a Perfect Seven
Glory Road has been back in the Tesco Productions studio recording vocals for the 15 songs of their 7th CD. Last evening concluded their vocal recordings and so we’ll be getting together and doing preliminary mixes so everyone can mull over the tunes for several days before making final mix decisions. I have had the opportunity for a number of years now to work with Glory Road making recordings so folks can continue listening after live concerts and events where they perform. Their photo library has been updated on our site and you can also find more info at Thank you for coming in for this “perfect 7th”, and blessings on your outreach and ministry.