Reborn has been several months in the making and is now officially out. This extensive recording is not only unusual due to its blend of multiple languages, but also its inclusion of the soundtracks for live performance. Six originals and one remake comprise the song lineup and it’s a varied listen. Anabel is accompanied by various groupings of background and solo artists who came along side this project and helped culminate her dream to use music in Christian ministry and outreach. Tim Tyler provided very fine sound track arrangements, and should you choose to perform live with the included instrumental cuts, you won’t be disappointed. Anabel’s website and facebook page list where five of the vocal songs are available including iTunes, Amazon, CD Baby and more. Her site also includes a personal bio, song lyrics, concert information and links to purchase her music. Job well done, and may your music and life’s ministry be a continued blessing to others.
Monthly Archives: January 2014
The Kopsas Release Their First CD
A few months back (October 2013) I brought you the news the Kopsas were recording their first family CD – Lord Lead Me On. Well it made it out by Christmas and I and a number of other attendees at yesterday’s Great Plains Bluegrass and Old Time Music Association (GPBOTMA) monthly meeting got to see it for the first time. The four oldest Kopsa family members gave a live rendition of quite a few of the songs on the recording and their performance was very well received. I always enjoy hearing music performed by artists I have worked with in the studio since I usually know the songs quite intimately from our time spent recording them. There’s also the additional knowledge of “behind the scenes” happenings from fun studio interactions, stories about the songs or other passing tidbits.

It was a great way to kick off another year of meetings and jams of the GPBOTMA, which meets every first Sunday at 2:00 pm except for the summer months. A good crowd was there including Jenni Wallace (club president), who has been a music/instrument instructor for the Kopsas. I know she and many of us “older” members enjoy seeing the baton passed to younger generations and helping fulfill the education mission of the GPBOTMA. The Kopsas are picking up their music well and CD sales were correspondingly reflected. If you’d like to obtain your own copy of Lord Lead Me On, send a message through my contact page and I’ll put you in touch with the Kopsas.