Yearly Archives: 2012

Carlene Crom Picks Up Her Recording Again

Carlene back in the studio
Carlene glad to be back recording.
Carlene Crom is back at Tesco Productions to resume her CD recording. It’s been a few years since she was here, and she made a name change in the meantime which has kept her occupied with other focuses. The current CD will be a compilation of the prior recordings and new material. Some special additions are being made to the music as well, and one of those is the cello artistry of Alexa. Carlene asked Alexa to listen to a couple of her songs, write a cello part for them and then record the pieces as well. She did a nice job and we mixed those songs yesterday.
This CD has a special place in Carlene’s heart, as she’s devoting a portion of the proceeds to support a veterans memorial in her local Iowa town. The songs will be a mix of patriotic and gospel tunes. She’s planning a September release date.
Written cello parts for recording
Alexa captures her part on paper..
Recording cello parts
.. and then adds it to the songs.

Tesco Productions Records Audio Book

This past month I was contacted concerning the possible audio recording of a new book release. The person calling, Eunice Arant and I have known each other a good number of years – from my days at KGBI-FM here in Omaha. Eunice produced a women’s radio program and I was one of the station engineers who did the recording. Over the years I’ve called on Eunice to be in various radio spots and other studio voice work. Eunice is a good friend of the author, Dee Brestin, a Christian Women’s speaker who formerly lived in Nebraska with her family. The author had requested Eunice to read her latest book Idol Lies, and so we submitted some samples to the production company and were given the green light. The book is slated for a September release.

Eunice ready to record
Eunice Arant voices audio book with a smile.

Deb Erdei’s Music Keeps Flowing

Deb Erdei is continuing her God-given inspiration and we’ve recorded and imported from her recordings a number of additions – whether more parts for prior songs or all new material. Having an opportunity to submit songs to a particular writer/producer has encouraged her pen and keys and three more songs were completed Saturday for this purpose. Some of these songs will find their way onto her “Joy On The Other Side” CD which is nearing a wrap-up. Other musicians have recently been invited to add vocal and instrumental parts as well. Jay laid a couple of driving rock guitar tracks and harmony vocal, Taylor added a young vocal sound, and Jami added her vocal styling to Deb’s latest song. A thorough mix and runoff were made Saturday evening and it will soon be on its way.

Jay rocks the house
Taylor adds her vocal style
Jami lays out a vocal
Deb & Jami share the studio

As mentioned during the past couple of months, Tesco Productions has been adding upgraded mic pre-amps and compressors to their sound offerings. Today’s session utilized a couple of these pieces and the end result was very pleasing. Now finding time to install them all?!