For the past several months you may have read in these postings that Tesco Productions was acquiring a number of upgrade units – particularly outboard microphone preamps. Well the install is nearing completion and was quite a major overhaul. My cohort Allyn once again saved the day (several actually) while burning some of his hard-earned vacation time by showing up and soldering up a storm. The studio was offline for two weeks as we removed old cabling no longer in use, installed about 800 feet of new wire, added a microphone patch bay, replaced three existing patch bays with new ones, and provided 16 additional microphone/line inputs into the control room. It took two days just to make the microphone patch bay connections. Allyn also brought over his construction tools and we made a new double-wide equipment rack which will eventually be highlighted with some remote-controlled LED lighting my friend Danny found at Lowe’s. There’s still some labeling to do but a good part of that is completed now and is even color-coded so an “old” guy like me can follow the new layout more quickly. A portable rack will be put in place eventually to house some of the “misplaced” equipment which will have a new home under the mixing console.
I’m excited to have this long-awaited project well on its way and look forward to us all appreciating the improved sound pallets now available.
Monthly Archives: December 2012
Angela (Sharman) Unruh’s CD Officially Released
Over two years in the making and some hard paths traversed have resulted in the musical consummation of Broken Dream Lullabies.

The journey consists of eleven originals, all written and performed by Angela with the assistance of several musician friends and family.

The CD cover was beautifully designed by Jon Goodding, cousin, graphic artist and web designer and incorporates a couple of Angela’s drawings. Listening to the music unfold is an eclectic journey of styles and lyrics which carries you through some dark places – ultimately harboring you in God’s grace. Well done.

Angela’s music is available for online purchase or streaming at iTunes, eMusic and Spotify under artist steadilyunsound. I plan soon to have an audition compilation up as well in the audio gallery.
One is never too “old” to celebrate Christmas and life.
Well another Christmas time has come and passed – and even another year.
This month Tesco Productions was invited once again to provide sound for the annual Christmas In Our Hearts program presented in downtown Omaha at the Double Tree Hotel. A number of musicians gathered to share songs, memories and joy for over 300 attendees from nursing homes and assisted living facilities hosted by Community 360 (formerly Desert Ministries), and the Christmas Story was splendidly recited by an elderly gentlemen in addition. My good friend Allyn volunteered his PA system and trailer, and took a couple of days vacation to setup and be part of the crew bringing this program to some folks who probably had no other Christmas.
Before the celebration began I greeted a number of people waiting and met one lady in particular that has stuck in my mind. She said she was 95 years old and had the greatest smile. When I asked her what the secret was to being 95 and having such a smile, she said “Just live each day to the fullest!”. What I could learn from such advice. Maybe when I look back on 2013 I’ll see just a glimpse of remembering this wise counsel.