Well the studio is shut down at the moment, and for good reason. I’ve said the past several months that Tesco Productions was planning a major rework. I don’t actually remember tearing the studio down this far since I transitioned to computer-based recording in 1994. I’m going to greatly appreciate my good friend Allyn’s help in putting this all back together. As you can see there’s going to be a lot of changes. Preamps, compressors, additional cable runs, etc. – all to make you sound even better. More next month.
Monthly Archives: November 2012
Carlene Crom Has CD Release Party As Part of Veterans Day Celebration
This past Sunday Carlene Crom had her official CD release event on Veterans’ Day in conjunction with the Rommel–Conklin VFW Post #7064 at the Fremont-Mills School in Tabor, Iowa. Last summer Carlene wrote a song called “Hear Freedom Ring” for the dedication of the Veterans’ War Memorial Wall in her home town. A portion of the proceeds from the sale of her latest CD A View From The Porch Swing are being donated to the VFW in support of this display, and Carlene was able to present the VFW with a check from sales to date.

As part of this day of appreciation, I was also honored with a plaque from Carlene in appreciation for work and time put into her CD. I was greatly humbled to receive this surprise recognition. I’m glad to have contributed some part to the value and enjoyment of this musical work and hope many people are blessed by hearing it. It was also a privilege to be a small part of helping Carlene support her local VFW and those commemorated by the Memorial Wall and other services the VFW provides.

Audio Book “Idol Lies” Now Available On Disc
At the end of August I wrote that we were starting the recording of Dee Brestin’s Idol Lies. The local voice, Eunice Arant is a friend of the author and Tesco Productions had the privilege of doing the recording. The book speaks about the gifts God gives us that sometimes become idols we worship in place of God Himself – often without even realizing it. Dee offers hope and guidance to leaving them behind through the Lord’s Word and the testimony of herself and others she writes about. Although the book primarily addresses women, its application is for anyone. Oasis Audio has finished all the final production and manufacturing, making the CDs available through their site and other outlets.