Deb Erdei again found herself spending a number of studio hours on her latest song. Through friends and family Deb was invited to submit a song for possible use in a movie planning to be shot during the coming year.

“If You Just Believe” is a song about faith to overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles and watch God do the impossible. I referred Deb to Chuck Pennington (Panda Productions) to provide arranging and orchestration. The song was tracked at Warehouse Productions, Inc. in Omaha and then transferred to Tesco Productions for editing and mixing. Although I had spoken with Tom Ware over the years we had actually never met and it was good to “shop talk” and provide a smooth interface for Deb to record her song.

The mix is virtually done (is this the last version??) and has already been submitted to the movie writer and director for their review and consideration. Hopefully we can share more details down the road and when we get the final version ready we’ll let you get a sneak preview. Deb credits her Creator for each opportunity and the songs that keep coming. May there be many more!