This week I had the privilege once again to accompany the Nebraska Zither Club as we crossed the more-than-mighty Missouri River and arrived in Oakland, IA. One of the club members lives there and had arranged for us to perform at the local retirement manor.

The room was nearly filled with folks. Between playng the music and singing an old gospel favorite I glanced up at times and saw a number of tapping feet, smiles, and maybe weak but grateful words sung along with the various tunes. It was another reminder that even though a conversation may have been difficult for some of those listening, their ability to be touched by music was still largely intact. Our Creator has given human beings the special gift of music which often stays with us as our years progress. At the conclusion of our time together the Oakland member’s daughter presented each of us with 6 long-stemmed roses. Wow! I’d have to say that was a first in my lifetime and much appreciated.
Later in the week I attended another similar event presented by the directors of Vital Signs Ministries. Denny & Claire Hartford have spent a lot of hours at Tesco Productions in years past recording radio programs. Their outreach has expanded now to include other media and activities including a special music review program they present at various retirement facilities in the area. They asked me to come by and listen and see what suggestions I would have for improving their sound equipment and means of presentation. I again experienced similar responses with one woman saying as we left, “Thank you for bringing joy into our lives!” I hope others were blessed this week as much as I was.